Last weekend as I made my grocery list for that upcoming week's dinner menu, I did as I normally do. I asked what my teens wanted to eat that week for dinner. My youngest proclaimed "SANDWICHES ALL WEEK!!!!!!" The elder two looked up long enough from YouTube and iPhone long enough to agree that it would be "Cool and Awesome!" Then returned to their observations of technology. I began to pour through our favorite recipes and figure out what we were going to have. Below with a link - if available-to what we dined on.
Saturday -Pizza Grilled Cheese, Mozzarella in Carrozza (my uber fave), Pizza Puffs, & Pizza Nachos (the garlic cream sauce is awesome)
Sunday - Ham Delights, Mini Onion Quiches (I cook mine just a tad more so that they are deep golden brown)
Monday - Cuban Pork Tenderloin Sandwiches
Tuesday - French Dip Sandwiches
Wednesday - Cheesesteaks
Thursday - Manwich (cause I won't make it voluntarily and they begged)
Friday - Grilled Burgers with chili, Lexington BBQ Slaw, and all the other fixins- the ultimate sandwich
This week they have declared: FOOD ON A STICK WEEK
Saturday - Low Country Boil - yeah, I know it isn't on a stick, but we were celebrating my parents birthdays and we love us some LCB! The link is for a Paula Deen recipe, but my Dad does our his way, so if you have never made it, begin w/ Ms. Paula's and then make adjustments as needed.
Sunday - City Chicken (it's pork & I use veggie broth)
Monday - Onion Lovers Steak Kabobs
Tuesday - BBQ Pork Kabobs
Wednesday - Pineapple & Ham or Pineapple & Chicken Kabobs
Thursday - Pigs in a Blanket (aka Beef Roll-ups)
Friday - Low Country Boil Kabobs (the link is for a random recipe, we make a Low Country Boil several times a year, like the Saturday above, but I wanted to try it kabob style - So when I make these I will post the recipe I came up with.)