Friday, May 20, 2011

Fruit & Veggie Smoothie aka Glowing Green Smoothie aka GGS aka delish!

Since I have quit smoking (12 weeks this coming Sunday!!) I have packed on some pounds. When I find a scale, I will let  you know exactly how many. But for now, let's just say I had to go shopping. So in order to remedy the weight gain, I have decided to start eating healthier and start exercising again. And in my quest to eat healthier, I have found some really great recipes that don't make me feel like I am eating healthy. :) That's my kind of eating! So the recipe I'm going to post is super, super easy because well, haha, I can't cook but you all knew that all ready. So here goes:

1 head romaine lettuce, washed & chopped 
1 bunch spinach, washed & chopped 
1/2  - 1 1/2 C water
4-5 stalks of celery, washed & chopped 
2-3 Tbs  apple cider vinegar (raw, unpasteurized, unfiltered for the health benefits)
2-3 Tbs fresh lemon juice
1/2 - 1 lb seedless grapes (red or white)
3  mangoes (the champagne variety or the regular ones), peeled and chopped
1 pint strawberries washed, capped & coarse chopped
2 bananas peeled, chopped
2 apples cored & chopped
 Optional: 1/3 small bunch cilantro 
                 1/3 bunch parsley, any variety, washed & chopped


Add the water and the chopped head of romaine and spinch to the blender. Start blending on a low speed, mix until smooth. As you gradually move to  higher speeds, add the celery, apples, strawberries, mangoes, & grapes. Blend till smooth. Add the parsley &/or cilantro if you choose. (Fresh herbs like cilantro and parsley have cleansing properties that help extract heavy metals and other toxins from the body. Add the banana, apple cider vinegar and lemon juice last. 
(Yes, it looks gross. Kinda like baby poo. But it is so very, very good. You will want one every morning!)
This recipe is not exact by any means. These particular measurements will get you almost 2/3 a gallon of this smoothie. And I really eyeball the vinegar and the lemon juice. The above recipe is my version of Kimberly Snyder's recipe. She is a certified nutritionist and works with countless celebs (Drew Barrymore, Olivia Wilde, Owen Wilson, Fergie, Dr. Oz, well you get the idea).  Her original recipe can be found at Look under "Recipes" or "Popular Posts".

Another bonus to this recipes is that you can vary it to your tastes like I did. Just make sure to balance the light green veggies with the dark green veggies.

Another couple of things I am going to try with this, is turning this ever delicious goop into ice pops and making a Greek yogurt smoothie. I'm thinking they will be pretty tasty.

I'll post a photo later so everyone can see what it looks like.

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